Turf Maintenance Program
Season by season we have the correct program for your turf to have you looking great all year long.

Lawn and Landscape Consultation
Lawn and Landscape ConsultationSoil Testing Soil testing for a lawn is like blood testing for people. The information we receive from these tests is invaluable. We use this information to determine the amounts of nutrients to apply or to not …

Snow and Ice Management
Snow and Ice ManagementThe following are some reasons to consider Finocchiaro Lawn & Landscape Company for you snow management needs Our employees have over 20 years of experience. We are fully insured. Our shop equipment and our …

Small Landscaping Projects
Small Landscaping ProjectsFor our customers who do not have a regular landscape company handling their property, we have been able to provide some additional landscaping work to a limited number of customers during the slower winter season, …